Post- Excursion

Post excursionnn



Xtranormal – Animated movies made easy!


This online tool can be used as a strategy to assess the depth of knowledge your students have accumulated on a certain area of The Blue Mile. Students are able to select their own setting, characters, movements and sound effects to apply to their own script! It is a quick and easy assessment tool and will take approximately two lessons for students to complete.


1. Go to


2. Click on Sign Up in the top right corner of the screen. Select the ‘Basic Free’ option.



3. Create a username and password


4. Once you have signed up you have the option of selecting the ‘How To’ button, which will lead you to various tutorials. 


5. Otherwise, select the ‘Create’ button and learn as you go!




Prezi - presentation tool


This program is an excellent assessment strategy as students create fun and interesting presentations to demonstrate their depth of understanding of any given topic.


1. Go to

2. Sign up to create an account for each member of your class by selecting the ‘Sign up now’ button, followed by the ‘Students and Teachers’ button. This will allow you to create free accounts for every student using their educational emails only.


3. Once you have signed in, there are options to ‘create’, ‘learn’ or ‘explore’. By clicking on the explore button you are able to view an array of different Prezi’s to give your students an example of what is possible with this program.


4. If you click on the ‘learn’ button you will be able to view various tutorials that explain the different functions of Prezi. Students can refer back to these at any time throughout their creations.


5. Finally, click on the ‘create’ button to begin working on your masterpiece!

Click here for an example of a related Prezi:

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